
Meet the team - a chance to catch-up with our Facebook Live

August 27, 2020

We hosted our first Facebook Live to introduce the team behind Derbyshire Institute of Sport and demonstrate how everyone works together to develop, inspire and support champions.

Joining us were DIS athlete ambassadors, paracyclist Katie Toft and marathon runner Jessica Piasecki.  Katie explained the challenges she overcame to become a fives times world champion. Jessica talked about how she combined working with a training regime that involved her running up to 110 miles a week!

They explained why DIS can provide invaluable help to athletes who already work with a coach or do a lot of sports training.

You can watch the recording again below. We have also provided a list of timings below to help you go to specific sections.

⭐️At 02:30 MD Chloe Maudsley introduces the DIS and its core values of care, integrity and passion.

⭐️At 05:49 Andy Wood talks about his role as Head of Performance.

⭐️At 06:53 David Sport talks about physiotherapy and pro-active injury prevention.

⭐️At 08:30 Dietitian Nicky Gilbert talks about nutrition and hydration and how it can help you stay well, strong, alert and focused.

⭐️At 09:57 Dr Phil Clarke explains his role as sports psychology lead.

⭐️At 11:45 former Team GB sprinter, now DIS Head of Athlete Development, Laura Wake discusses the role of strength & conditioning in keeping you injury-free.

🚵‍♀️At 17:55 five times world champion paracyclist Katie Toft talks about her journey to becoming world class.

🚵‍♀️At 20:15 she explains why she loves cycling.

🚵‍♀️At 21:15 she talks about what's next for her followed by her advice for anyone dreaming of becoming a champion.

⭐️At 23:00 marathon runner Jess Piasecki talks about her journey.

⭐️At 25:45 she describes her typical training week.

⭐️At 31:20 she talks about coming to terms with the uncertainty of the next Olympics after she looked set to qualify for the Tokyo 2020 games. She had ended 2019 on a high, winning the Florence marathon in a time of 2:25:28, which took her to the top of the UK rankings.

🥇🥈🥉From 36:20 Laura describes the Gold, Silver and Bronze support packages available to athletes.

QUESTIONS are covered from 41:00.

🏆At 41:20 "I already do a lot of sports training, why should I join the DIS?

🏆At 45:15 "What advice do you have for a new athlete who has signed up for the bronze package?"

🏆At 48:10 "Can parents get involved?"

🏆At 50:25 "Can DIS support sports clubs directly?" From 51:45 Andy Wood mentions a specific programme coming soon for sports coaches

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